
What to do when you crave a Chicago Dog on a low-carb diet?

I’m a Chicagoland native. Growing up there, and then moving away from there, one tends to find themselves with cravings for things you can only get in Chicago. Like an authentic Chicago style hot dog. If you’ve never had one, there’s like the best invention on the face of the earth. A warm, poppy seed bun, a Vienna Beef dog, yellow mustard, onions, bright green relish, tomatos, a pickle, and sport peppers all topped off with a dash of celery salt. Most importantly no ketchup in sight!

So. Craving the most delicious of delicious I set about trying to figure out if I could make my own variation on this which would fit with-in my low-carb diet. I did some googling and found a blog post on a blog called Nom Nom Paleo which confirmed I’m not the only one who has thought about something similar. The author there framed it in the context of a kid’s school lunch but whatever. I had my base! Or well at least my confirmation I could make this work.

Now armed with this knowledge, my next challenge was born out of simple laziness: I did not want to have to wait for water to boil, and the dog to cook. Thankfully, a quick search lead me to a WikiHow on well, how to microwave a hot dog.

Sweet! Ok. So. Here’s what I did:

  1. Take an all-beef hot dog and wrap it in paper towels kind of like you are making a burrito.
  2. Microwave that hot dog! …25 seconds on high.
  3. Carefully place the dog onto a plate and split it. Admittedly, the splitting part is a tad optional.
  4. Place your Chicago Dog ingredients on top of the hot dog. (I had to make some substitutions for not being having yellow mustard on-hand and not being able to find sport peppers.)
  5. Consume your hot dog!

Simple enough, eh? If you want to get even more creative, pair the dog with some steamed veggies instead of french fries!

So there it is. My low-carb not quite Chicago Style hot dog. Enjoy!

For More Information:

  1. Chicago Style Hot Dog — Wikipedia:
  2. Paleo Lunchboxes 2014 (Part 1) — Nom Nom Paleo:
  3. How to Make a Hot Dog in the Microwave — WikiHow: